Source code for sportsreference.ncaaf.conferences

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import re
from .. import utils
from .constants import CONFERENCE_URL, CONFERENCES_URL

[docs]class Conference: """ Find teams that participated in a particular conference. Create a dictionary which includes the names and abbreviations for all teams that participated in a conference during a given year. Parameters ---------- conference_abbreviation : string A string of the requested conference's abbreviation, such as 'big-12'. year : string (optional) A string of the requested year to pull conference information from. Defaults to the most recent season. """ def __init__(self, conference_abbreviation, year=None): self._teams = {} self._find_conference_teams(conference_abbreviation, year) def _pull_conference_page(self, conference_abbreviation, year): """ Download the conference page. Download the conference page for the requested conference and season and create a PyQuery object. Parameters ---------- conference_abbreviation : string A string of the requested conference's abbreviation, such as 'big-12'. year : string A string of the requested year to pull conference information from. """ try: return pq(CONFERENCE_URL % (conference_abbreviation, year)) except: return None def _get_team_abbreviation(self, team): """ Retrieve team's abbreviation. The team's abbreviation is embedded within the 'school_name' tag and requires special parsing as it is located in the middle of a URI. The abbreviation is returned for the requested school. Parameters ---------- team : PyQuery object A PyQuery object representing a single row in a table on the conference page. Returns ------- string Returns a string of the team's abbreviation, such as 'PURDUE'. """ name_tag = team('th[data-stat="school_name"] a') team_abbreviation = re.sub(r'.*/cfb/schools/', '', str(name_tag)) team_abbreviation = re.sub(r'/.*', '', team_abbreviation) return team_abbreviation def _find_conference_teams(self, conference_abbreviation, year): """ Retrieve the teams in the conference for the requested season. Find and retrieve all teams that participated in a conference for a given season. The name and abbreviation for each team are parsed and recorded to enable easy queries of conference schools.. Parameters ---------- conference_abbreviation : string A string of the requested conference's abbreviation, such as 'big-12'. year : string A string of the requested year to pull conference information from. """ if not year: year = utils._find_year_for_season('ncaaf') page = self._pull_conference_page(conference_abbreviation, year) if not page: url = CONFERENCE_URL % (conference_abbreviation, year) output = ("Can't pull requested conference page. Ensure the " "following URL exists: %s" % url) raise ValueError(output) conference = page('table#standings tbody tr').items() for team in conference: team_abbreviation = self._get_team_abbreviation(team) if team_abbreviation == '': continue team_name = team('th[data-stat="school_name"]').text() self._teams[team_abbreviation] = team_name @property def teams(self): """ Returns a ``dictionary`` of team names and abbreviations where each key is a ``string`` of the team abbreviation and each value is a ``string`` of the full team name. """ return self._teams
[docs]class Conferences: """ Get all conferences and teams for a season. Retrieve a list of all conferences and teams that participated in the conference for each team in the season. The included properties allow flexibility in queries to either get the conference abbreviation for a given team, or get more detailed information including all teams for each conference. Parameters ---------- year : string (optional) A string of the requested year to pull conferences from. Defaults to the most recent season. """ def __init__(self, year=None): self._conferences = {} self._team_conference = {} self._find_conferences(year) def _pull_conference_page(self, year): """ Download the conference page. Download the conference page for the requested team and create a PyQuery object. Parameters ---------- year : string A string of the requested year to pull rankings from. Returns ------- PyQuery object Returns a PyQuery object of the conference HTML page. """ try: return pq(CONFERENCES_URL % year) except: return None def _get_conference_id(self, conference): """ Get the conference abbreviation, such as 'big-12'. The conference abbreviation is embedded within the Conference Name tag and requires special parsing to extract. The abbreviation is returned as a string. Parameters ---------- conference : PyQuery object A PyQuery object representing a single row in the conference table which can be used to find the conference abbreviation. Returns ------- string Returns a string of the conference abbreviation, such as 'big-12'. """ name_tag = conference('td[data-stat="conf_name"] a') conference_id = re.sub(r'.*/cfb/conferences/', '', str(name_tag)) conference_id = re.sub(r'/.*', '', conference_id) return conference_id def _find_conferences(self, year): """ Retrieve the conferences and teams for the requested season. Find and retrieve all conferences for a given season and parse all of the teams that participated in the conference during that year. Conference information includes abbreviation and full name for the conference as well as the abbreviation and full name for each team in the conference. Parameters ---------- year : string A string of the requested year to pull conferences from. """ if not year: year = utils._find_year_for_season('ncaaf') page = self._pull_conference_page(year) if not page: output = ("Can't pull requested conference page. Ensure the " "following URL exists: %s" % (CONFERENCES_URL % year)) raise ValueError(output) conferences = page('table#conferences tbody tr').items() for conference in conferences: conference_abbreviation = self._get_conference_id(conference) conference_name = conference('td[data-stat="conf_name"]').text() teams_dict = Conference(conference_abbreviation, year).teams conference_dict = { 'name': conference_name, 'teams': teams_dict } for team in teams_dict.keys(): self._team_conference[team] = conference_abbreviation self._conferences[conference_abbreviation] = conference_dict @property def conferences(self): """ Returns a ``dictionary`` of conference names and abbreviations where each key is a ``string`` of the abbreviation and each value is a ``dictionary`` containing the full conference name and another ``dictionary`` with individual team information. The overall dictionary is in the following structure:: { abbreviation, ie 'big-12' (str): { 'name': Full conference name, such as 'Big 12 Conference' (str), 'teams': { team abbreviation, such as 'kansas' (str): Full team name, such as 'Kansas' (str), ... } }, ... } """ return self._conferences @property def team_conference(self): """ Returns a ``dictionary`` of conference abbreviations for each team where each key is a ``string`` of the team abbreviation and each value is a ``string`` of the conference abbreviation. """ return self._team_conference