Source code for

import pandas as pd
import re
from functools import wraps
from lxml.etree import ParserError, XMLSyntaxError
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from .. import utils
from .constants import (NATIONALITY,
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError

def _cleanup(prop):
        prop = prop.replace('%', '')
        prop = prop.replace('$', '')
        prop = prop.replace(',', '')
        return prop.replace('+', '')
    # Occurs when a value is of Nonetype. When that happens, return a blank
    # string as whatever came in had an incomplete value.
    except AttributeError:
        return ''

def _int_property_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args):
        index = args[0]._index
        prop = func(*args)
        element_ind = 0
        if func.__name__ in PLAYER_ELEMENT_INDEX.keys():
            element_ind = PLAYER_ELEMENT_INDEX[func.__name__]
            value = _cleanup(prop[index][element_ind])
            return int(value)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
            # If there is no value, default to None
            return None
    return wrapper

def _float_property_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args):
        index = args[0]._index
        prop = func(*args)
        element_ind = 0
            value = _cleanup(prop[index][element_ind])
            return float(value)
        except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
            # If there is no value, default to None
            return None
    return wrapper

def _most_recent_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args):
        season = args[0]._most_recent_season
        seasons = args[0]._season
        index = seasons.index(season)
        prop = func(*args)
        element_ind = 0
            return prop[index][element_ind]
        except (TypeError, IndexError):
            # If there is no value, default to None
            return None
    return wrapper

[docs]class Player(object): """ Get player information and stats for all seasons. Given a player ID, such as 'altuvjo01' for Jose Altuve, capture all relevant stats and information like name, nationality, height/weight, career home runs, last season's batting average, salary, contract amount, and much more. By default, the class instance will return the player's career stats, but single-season stats can be found by calling the instance with the requested season as denoted on Parameters ---------- player_id : string A player's ID according to, such as 'altuvjo01' for Jose Altuve. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player's stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the '.html' in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format 'LLLLLFFNN' where 'LLLLL' are the first 5 letters in the player's last name, 'FF', are the first 2 letters in the player's first name, and 'NN' is a number starting at '01' for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player. """ def __init__(self, player_id): self._most_recent_season = '' self._index = None self._player_id = player_id self._season = None self._name = None self._team_abbreviation = None self._position = None self._height = None self._weight = None self._birth_date = None self._nationality = None self._contract = None self._games = None self._games_started = None self._plate_appearances = None self._at_bats = None self._runs = None self._hits = None self._doubles = None self._triples = None self._home_runs = None self._runs_batted_in = None self._stolen_bases = None self._times_caught_stealing = None self._bases_on_balls = None self._times_struck_out = None self._batting_average = None self._on_base_percentage = None self._slugging_percentage = None self._on_base_plus_slugging_percentage = None self._on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus = None self._total_bases = None self._grounded_into_double_plays = None self._times_hit_by_pitch = None self._sacrifice_hits = None self._sacrifice_flies = None self._intentional_bases_on_balls = None self._complete_games = None self._innings_played = None self._defensive_chances = None self._putouts = None self._assists = None self._errors = None self._double_plays_turned = None self._fielding_percentage = None self._total_fielding_runs_above_average = None self._defensive_runs_saved_above_average = None self._total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings = None self._defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings = None self._range_factor_per_nine_innings = None self._range_factor_per_game = None self._league_fielding_percentage = None self._league_range_factor_per_nine_innings = None self._league_range_factor_per_game = None self._games_in_batting_order = None self._games_in_defensive_lineup = None self._games_pitcher = None self._games_catcher = None self._games_first_baseman = None self._games_second_baseman = None self._games_third_baseman = None self._games_shortstop = None self._games_left_fielder = None self._games_center_fielder = None self._games_right_fielder = None self._games_outfielder = None self._games_designated_hitter = None self._games_pinch_hitter = None self._games_pinch_runner = None # Stats specific to pitchers self._wins = None self._losses = None self._win_percentage = None self._era = None self._games_finished = None self._shutouts = None self._saves = None self._hits_allowed = None self._runs_allowed = None self._earned_runs_allowed = None self._home_runs_allowed = None self._bases_on_balls_given = None self._intentional_bases_on_balls_given = None self._strikeouts = None self._times_hit_player = None self._balks = None self._wild_pitches = None self._batters_faced = None self._era_plus = None self._fielding_independent_pitching = None self._whip = None self._hits_against_per_nine_innings = None self._home_runs_against_per_nine_innings = None self._bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings = None self._batters_struckout_per_nine_innings = None self._strikeouts_thrown_per_walk = None self._parse_player_data() self._find_initial_index() def _build_url(self): """ Create the player's URL to pull stats from. The player's URL requires the first letter of the player's last name followed by the player ID. Returns ------- string The string URL for the player's stats page. """ # The first letter of the player's last name is used to sort the player # list and is a part of the URL. first_character = self._player_id[0] return PLAYER_URL % (first_character, self._player_id) def _retrieve_html_page(self): """ Download the requested player's stats page. Download the requested page and strip all of the comment tags before returning a pyquery object which will be used to parse the data. Returns ------- PyQuery object The requested page is returned as a queriable PyQuery object with the comment tags removed. """ url = self._build_url() try: url_data = pq(url) except HTTPError: return None return pq(utils._remove_html_comment_tags(url_data)) def _parse_season(self, row): """ Parse the season string from the table. The season is generally located in the first column of the stats tables and should be parsed to denote which season metrics are being pulled from. Parameters ---------- row : PyQuery object A PyQuery object of a single row in a stats table. Returns ------- string A string representation of the season in the format 'YYYY', such as '2017'. """ return utils._parse_field(PLAYER_SCHEME, row, 'season') def _combine_season_stats(self, table_rows, career_stats, all_stats_dict): """ Combine all stats for each season. Since all of the stats are spread across multiple tables, they should be combined into a single field which can be used to easily query stats at once. Parameters ---------- table_rows : generator A generator where each element is a row in a stats table. career_stats : generator A generator where each element is a row in the footer of a stats table. Career stats are kept in the footer, hence the usage. all_stats_dict : dictionary A dictionary of all stats separated by season where each key is the season ``string``, such as '2017', and the value is a ``dictionary`` with a ``string`` of 'data' and ``string`` containing all of the data. Returns ------- dictionary Returns an updated version of the passed all_stats_dict which includes more metrics from the provided table. """ most_recent_season = '' for row in table_rows: # For now, remove minor-league stats if 'class="minors_table hidden"' in str(row) or \ 'class="spacer partial_table"' in str(row) or \ 'class="partial_table"' in str(row): continue season = self._parse_season(row) try: all_stats_dict[season]['data'] += str(row) except KeyError: all_stats_dict[season] = {'data': str(row)} most_recent_season = season self._most_recent_season = most_recent_season try: all_stats_dict['career']['data'] += str(next(career_stats)) except KeyError: all_stats_dict['career'] = {'data': str(next(career_stats))} return all_stats_dict def _combine_all_stats(self, player_info): """ Pull stats from all tables into single data structure. Pull the stats from all of the requested tables into a dictionary that is separated by season to allow easy queries of the player's stats for each season. Parameters ---------- player_info : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing all of the stats information for the requested player. Returns ------- dictionary Returns a dictionary where all stats from each table are combined by season to allow easy queries by year. """ all_stats_dict = {} for table_id in ['batting_standard', 'standard_fielding', 'appearances', 'pitching_standard']: try: table_items = utils._get_stats_table(player_info, 'table#%s' % table_id) # Error is thrown when player does not have corresponding table, # such as an outfielder not having any pitching stats. except (ParserError, XMLSyntaxError): continue career_items = utils._get_stats_table(player_info, 'table#%s' % table_id, footer=True) all_stats_dict = self._combine_season_stats(table_items, career_items, all_stats_dict) return all_stats_dict def _parse_nationality(self, player_info): """ Parse the player's nationality. The player's nationality is denoted by a flag in the information section with a country code for each nation. The country code needs to pulled and then matched to find the player's home country. Once found, the '_nationality' attribute is set for the player. Parameters ---------- player_info : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing the HTML from the player's stats page. """ for span in player_info('span').items(): if 'class="f-i' in str(span): nationality = span.text() nationality = NATIONALITY[nationality] setattr(self, '_nationality', nationality) break def _parse_player_information(self, player_info, field): """ Parse general player information. Parse general player information such as height, weight, and name. The attribute for the requested field will be set with the value prior to returning. Parameters ---------- player_info : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing the HTML from the player's stats page. field : string A string of the attribute to parse, such as 'weight'. """ short_field = str(field)[1:] value = utils._parse_field(PLAYER_SCHEME, player_info, short_field) setattr(self, field, value) def _parse_birth_date(self, player_info): """ Parse the player's birth date. Pull the player's birth date from the player information and set the '_birth_date' attribute with the value prior to returning. Parameters ---------- player_info : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing the HTML from the player's stats page. """ date = player_info('span[itemprop="birthDate"]').attr('data-birth') setattr(self, '_birth_date', date) def _parse_team_name(self, team): """ Parse the team name in the contract table. The team names in the contract table contain special encoded characters that are not supported by Python 2.7. These characters should be filtered out to get the proper team name. Parameters ---------- team : string A string representing the team_name tag in a row in the player's contract table. Returns ------- string A string of the team's name, such as 'Houston Astros'. """ team = team.replace(' ', ' ') team = team.replace('\xa0', ' ') team_html = pq(team) return team_html.text() def _parse_contract(self, player_info): """ Parse the player's contract. Depending on the player's contract status, a contract table is located at the bottom of the stats page and includes player wages by season. If found, create a dictionary housing the wages by season. Parameters ---------- player_info : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing the HTML from the player's stats page. """ contract = {} salary_table = player_info('table#br-salaries') for row in salary_table('tbody tr').items(): if 'class="spacer partial_table"' in str(row): continue year = row('th[data-stat="year_ID"]').text() if year.strip() == '': continue age = row('td[data-stat="age"]').text() team = self._parse_team_name(str(row('td[data-stat="team_name"]'))) salary = row('td[data-stat="Salary"]').text() contract[year] = { 'age': age, 'team': team, 'salary': salary } setattr(self, '_contract', contract) def _parse_value(self, html_data, field): """ Parse the HTML table to find the requested field's value. All of the values are passed in an HTML table row instead of as individual items. The values need to be parsed by matching the requested attribute with a parsing scheme that sports-reference uses to differentiate stats. This function returns a single value for the given attribute. Parameters ---------- html_data : string A string containing all of the rows of stats for a given team. If multiple tables are being referenced, this will be comprised of multiple rows in a single string. field : string The name of the attribute to match. Field must be a key in the PLAYER_SCHEME dictionary. Returns ------- list A list of all values that match the requested field. If no value could be found, returns None. """ scheme = PLAYER_SCHEME[field] items = [i.text() for i in html_data(scheme).items()] # Stats can be added and removed on a yearly basis. If no stats are # found, return None and have that be the value. if len(items) == 0: return None return items def _parse_player_data(self): """ Parse all player information and set attributes. Pull the player's HTML stats page and go through each class attribute to parse the data from the HTML page and set attribute value with the result. """ player_info = self._retrieve_html_page() all_stats_dict = self._combine_all_stats(player_info) for field in self.__dict__: short_field = str(field)[1:] if short_field == 'player_id' or \ short_field == 'index' or \ short_field == 'most_recent_season': continue if short_field == 'name' or \ short_field == 'weight' or \ short_field == 'height': self._parse_player_information(player_info, field) continue if short_field == 'nationality': self._parse_nationality(player_info) continue if short_field == 'birth_date': self._parse_birth_date(player_info) continue if short_field == 'contract': self._parse_contract(player_info) continue field_stats = [] for year, data in all_stats_dict.items(): stats = pq(data['data']) if short_field == 'season': value = utils._parse_field(PLAYER_SCHEME, stats, short_field) else: value = self._parse_value(stats, short_field) field_stats.append(value) setattr(self, field, field_stats) def _find_initial_index(self): """ Find the index of career stats. When the Player class is instantiated, the default stats to pull are the player's career stats. Upon being called, the index of the 'Career' element should be the index value. """ index = 0 for season in self._season: # The career stats default to Nonetype if season is None: self._index = index self._season[index] = 'Career' break index += 1 def __call__(self, requested_season=''): """ Specify a different season to pull stats from. A different season can be requested by passing the season string, such as '2017' to the class instance. Parameters ---------- requested_season : string (optional) A string of the requested season to query, such as '2017'. If left blank or 'Career' is passed, the career stats will be used for stats queries. Returns ------- Player class instance Returns the class instance with the updated stats being referenced. """ if requested_season.lower() == 'career' or \ requested_season == '': requested_season = 'Career' index = 0 for season in self._season: if season == requested_season: self._index = index break index += 1 return self def _dataframe_fields(self): """ Creates a dictionary of all fields to include with DataFrame. With the result of the calls to class properties changing based on the class index value, the dictionary should be regenerated every time the index is changed when the dataframe property is requested. Returns ------- dictionary Returns a dictionary where the keys are the shortened ``string`` attribute names and the values are the actual value for each attribute for the specified index. """ fields_to_include = { 'assists': self.assists, 'at_bats': self.at_bats, 'bases_on_balls': self.bases_on_balls, 'batting_average': self.batting_average, 'birth_date': self.birth_date, 'complete_games': self.complete_games, 'defensive_chances': self.defensive_chances, 'defensive_runs_saved_above_average': self.defensive_runs_saved_above_average, 'defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings': self.defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings, 'double_plays_turned': self.double_plays_turned, 'doubles': self.doubles, 'errors': self.errors, 'fielding_percentage': self.fielding_percentage, 'games':, 'games_catcher': self.games_catcher, 'games_center_fielder': self.games_center_fielder, 'games_designated_hitter': self.games_designated_hitter, 'games_first_baseman': self.games_first_baseman, 'games_in_batting_order': self.games_in_batting_order, 'games_in_defensive_lineup': self.games_in_defensive_lineup, 'games_left_fielder': self.games_left_fielder, 'games_outfielder': self.games_outfielder, 'games_pinch_hitter': self.games_pinch_hitter, 'games_pinch_runner': self.games_pinch_runner, 'games_pitcher': self.games_pitcher, 'games_right_fielder': self.games_right_fielder, 'games_second_baseman': self.games_second_baseman, 'games_shortstop': self.games_shortstop, 'games_started': self.games_started, 'games_third_baseman': self.games_third_baseman, 'grounded_into_double_plays': self.grounded_into_double_plays, 'height': self.height, 'hits': self.hits, 'home_runs': self.home_runs, 'innings_played': self.innings_played, 'intentional_bases_on_balls': self.intentional_bases_on_balls, 'league_fielding_percentage': self.league_fielding_percentage, 'league_range_factor_per_game': self.league_range_factor_per_game, 'league_range_factor_per_nine_innings': self.league_range_factor_per_nine_innings, 'name':, 'nationality': self.nationality, 'on_base_percentage': self.on_base_percentage, 'on_base_plus_slugging_percentage': self.on_base_plus_slugging_percentage, 'on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus': self.on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus, 'plate_appearances': self.plate_appearances, 'player_id': self.player_id, 'position': self.position, 'putouts': self.putouts, 'range_factor_per_game': self.range_factor_per_game, 'range_factor_per_nine_innings': self.range_factor_per_nine_innings, 'runs': self.runs, 'runs_batted_in': self.runs_batted_in, 'sacrifice_flies': self.sacrifice_flies, 'sacrifice_hits': self.sacrifice_hits, 'season': self.season, 'slugging_percentage': self.slugging_percentage, 'stolen_bases': self.stolen_bases, 'team_abbreviation': self.team_abbreviation, 'times_caught_stealing': self.times_caught_stealing, 'times_hit_by_pitch': self.times_hit_by_pitch, 'times_struck_out': self.times_struck_out, 'total_bases': self.total_bases, 'total_fielding_runs_above_average': self.total_fielding_runs_above_average, 'total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings': self.total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings, 'triples': self.triples, 'weight': self.weight, # Properties specific to pitchers 'balks': self.balks, 'bases_on_balls_given': self.bases_on_balls_given, 'bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings': self.bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings, 'batters_faced': self.batters_faced, 'batters_struckout_per_nine_innings': self.batters_struckout_per_nine_innings, 'earned_runs_allowed': self.earned_runs_allowed, 'era': self.era, 'era_plus': self.era_plus, 'fielding_independent_pitching': self.fielding_independent_pitching, 'games_finished': self.games_finished, 'hits_against_per_nine_innings': self.hits_against_per_nine_innings, 'hits_allowed': self.hits_allowed, 'home_runs_against_per_nine_innings': self.home_runs_against_per_nine_innings, 'home_runs_allowed': self.home_runs_allowed, 'intentional_bases_on_balls_given': self.intentional_bases_on_balls_given, 'losses': self.losses, 'runs_allowed': self.runs_allowed, 'saves': self.saves, 'shutouts': self.shutouts, 'strikeouts': self.strikeouts, 'strikeouts_thrown_per_walk': self.strikeouts_thrown_per_walk, 'times_hit_player': self.times_hit_player, 'whip': self.whip, 'wild_pitches': self.wild_pitches, 'win_percentage': self.win_percentage, 'wins': self.wins } return fields_to_include @property def dataframe(self): """ Returns a ``pandas DataFrame`` containing all other relevant class properties and values where each index is a different season plus the career stats. """ temp_index = self._index rows = [] indices = [] for season in self._season: self._index = self._season.index(season) rows.append(self._dataframe_fields()) indices.append(season) self._index = temp_index return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=[indices]) @property def player_id(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the player's ID on sports-reference, such as 'altuvjo01' for Jose Altuve. """ return self._player_id @property def season(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the season in the format 'YYYY', such as '2017'. If no season was requsted, the career stats will be returned for the player and the season will default to 'Career'. """ return self._season[self._index] @property def name(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the player's name, such as 'Jose Altuve'. """ return self._name @_most_recent_decorator def team_abbreviation(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's abbreviation, such as 'HOU' for the Houston Astros. """ return self._team_abbreviation @_most_recent_decorator def position(self): """ Returns a ``string`` constant of the player's primary position. """ return self._position @property def height(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the players height in the format "feet-inches". """ return self._height @property def weight(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the player's weight in pounds. """ return int(self._weight.replace('lb', '')) @property def birth_date(self): """ Returns a ``datetime`` object of the day and year the player was born. """ return self._birth_date @property def nationality(self): """ Returns a ``string`` constant denoting which country the player originiates from. """ return self._nationality @property def contract(self): """ Returns a ``dictionary`` of the player's contract where each key is a ``string`` of the year, such as '2017' and each value is a ``dictionary`` with the ``string`` key-value pairs of the player's age, team name, and salary. """ return self._contract @_int_property_decorator def games(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player participated in. """ return self._games @_int_property_decorator def games_started(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player started. """ return self._games_started @_int_property_decorator def plate_appearances(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of plate appearances the player had. """ return self._plate_appearances @_int_property_decorator def at_bats(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of at bats the player had. """ return self._at_bats @_int_property_decorator def runs(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of runs the player scored. """ return self._runs @_int_property_decorator def hits(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of hits the player had. """ return self._hits @_int_property_decorator def doubles(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of doubles the player hit. """ return self._doubles @_int_property_decorator def triples(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of triples the player hit. """ return self._triples @_int_property_decorator def home_runs(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of home runs the player hit. """ return self._home_runs @_int_property_decorator def runs_batted_in(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of runs batted in the player registered. """ return self._runs_batted_in @_int_property_decorator def stolen_bases(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of bases the player has stolen. """ return self._stolen_bases @_int_property_decorator def times_caught_stealing(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the player was caught stealing. """ return self._times_caught_stealing @_int_property_decorator def bases_on_balls(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of bases the player registered as a result of balls. """ return self._bases_on_balls @_int_property_decorator def times_struck_out(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the player was struck out. """ return self._times_struck_out @_float_property_decorator def batting_average(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the batting average for the player. """ return self._batting_average @_float_property_decorator def on_base_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the percentage of at bats that result in the batter getting on base. """ return self._on_base_percentage @_float_property_decorator def slugging_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the slugging percentage for the player based on the number of bases gained per at-bat with bigger plays getting more weight. """ return self._slugging_percentage @_float_property_decorator def on_base_plus_slugging_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage. Percentage ranges from 0-1. """ return self._on_base_plus_slugging_percentage @_int_property_decorator def on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the on base percentage plus the slugging percentage, adjusted to the player's ballpark. """ return self._on_base_plus_slugging_percentage_plus @_int_property_decorator def total_bases(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of bases the player has gained. """ return self._total_bases @_int_property_decorator def grounded_into_double_plays(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of double plays the player grounded into. """ return self._grounded_into_double_plays @_int_property_decorator def times_hit_by_pitch(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the player has been hit by a pitch. """ return self._times_hit_by_pitch @_int_property_decorator def sacrifice_hits(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of sacrifice hits or sacrafice bunts the player made. """ return self._sacrifice_hits @_int_property_decorator def sacrifice_flies(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of sacrifice flies the player hit. """ return self._sacrifice_flies @_int_property_decorator def intentional_bases_on_balls(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the player has been intentionally walked by the opposition. """ return self._intentional_bases_on_balls @_int_property_decorator def complete_games(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of complete games the player has participated in. """ return self._complete_games @_float_property_decorator def innings_played(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the total number of innings the player has played in. """ return self._innings_played @_int_property_decorator def defensive_chances(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of defensive chances (equal to the number of putouts + assists + errors) the player had. """ return self._defensive_chances @_int_property_decorator def putouts(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of putouts the player had. """ return self._putouts @_int_property_decorator def assists(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of assists the player had. """ return self._assists @_int_property_decorator def errors(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of errors the player made. """ return self._errors @_int_property_decorator def double_plays_turned(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of double plays the player was involved in. """ return self._double_plays_turned @_float_property_decorator def fielding_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the players fielding percentage, equivalent to (putouts + assists) / (putouts + assists + errors). Percentage ranges from 0-1. """ return self._fielding_percentage @_int_property_decorator def total_fielding_runs_above_average(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of runs the player was worth compared to an average player. """ return self._total_fielding_runs_above_average @_int_property_decorator def defensive_runs_saved_above_average(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of defensive runs the player saved compared to an average player. """ return self._defensive_runs_saved_above_average @_int_property_decorator def total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of runs the player was worth per 1,200 innings compared to an average player. """ return self._total_fielding_runs_above_average_per_innings @_int_property_decorator def defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of defensive runs the player was worth per 1,200 innings compared to an average player. """ return self._defensive_runs_saved_above_average_per_innings @_float_property_decorator def range_factor_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the players range factor per nine innings, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / innings_played. """ return self._range_factor_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def range_factor_per_game(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the players range factor per game, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / games_played. """ return self._range_factor_per_game @_float_property_decorator def league_fielding_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the average fielding percentage for the league at the player's position. Percentage ranges from 0-1. """ return self._league_fielding_percentage @_float_property_decorator def league_range_factor_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the average range factor for the league per nine innings, equal to 9 * (putouts + assists) / innings_played. """ return self._league_range_factor_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def league_range_factor_per_game(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the average range factor for the league per game, equal to (putouts + assists) / games_played. """ return self._league_range_factor_per_game @_int_property_decorator def games_in_batting_order(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the batting lineup. """ return self._games_in_batting_order @_int_property_decorator def games_in_defensive_lineup(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the defensive lineup. """ return self._games_in_defensive_lineup @_int_property_decorator def games_pitcher(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pitcher. """ return self._games_pitcher @_int_property_decorator def games_catcher(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a catcher. """ return self._games_catcher @_int_property_decorator def games_first_baseman(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a first baseman. """ return self._games_first_baseman @_int_property_decorator def games_second_baseman(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a second baseman. """ return self._games_second_baseman @_int_property_decorator def games_third_baseman(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a third baseman. """ return self._games_third_baseman @_int_property_decorator def games_shortstop(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a shortstop. """ return self._games_shortstop @_int_property_decorator def games_left_fielder(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a left fielder. """ return self._games_left_fielder @_int_property_decorator def games_center_fielder(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a center fielder. """ return self._games_center_fielder @_int_property_decorator def games_right_fielder(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a right fielder. """ return self._games_right_fielder @_int_property_decorator def games_outfielder(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as an outfielder. """ return self._games_outfielder @_int_property_decorator def games_designated_hitter(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a designated hitter. """ return self._games_designated_hitter @_int_property_decorator def games_pinch_hitter(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pinch hitter. """ return self._games_pinch_hitter @_int_property_decorator def games_pinch_runner(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player was in the lineup as a pinch runner. """ return self._games_pinch_runner @_int_property_decorator def wins(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player has won as a pitcher. """ return self._wins @_int_property_decorator def losses(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player has lost as a pitcher. """ return self._losses @_float_property_decorator def win_percentage(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the players winning percentage as a pitcher. Percentage ranges from 0-1. """ return self._win_percentage @_float_property_decorator def era(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the pitcher's Earned Runs Average. """ return self._era @_int_property_decorator def games_finished(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the player finished as a pitcher. """ return self._games_finished @_int_property_decorator def shutouts(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the player did not allow any runs and threw a complete game as a pitcher. """ return self._shutouts @_int_property_decorator def saves(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of saves the player made as a pitcher. """ return self._saves @_int_property_decorator def hits_allowed(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of hits the player allowed as a pitcher. """ return self._hits_allowed @_int_property_decorator def runs_allowed(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of runs the player allowed as a pitcher. """ return self._runs_allowed @_int_property_decorator def earned_runs_allowed(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of earned runs the player allowed as a pitcher. """ return self._earned_runs_allowed @_int_property_decorator def home_runs_allowed(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of home runs a player has allowed as a pitcher. """ return self._home_runs_allowed @_int_property_decorator def bases_on_balls_given(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of bases on balls the player has given as a pitcher. """ return self._bases_on_balls_given @_int_property_decorator def intentional_bases_on_balls_given(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of bases the player has intentionally given as a pitcher. """ return self._intentional_bases_on_balls_given @_int_property_decorator def strikeouts(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of strikeouts the player threw as a pitcher. """ return self._strikeouts @_int_property_decorator def times_hit_player(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the pitcher hit a player with a pitch. """ return self._times_hit_player @_int_property_decorator def balks(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of times the pitcher balked. """ return self._balks @_int_property_decorator def wild_pitches(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of wild pitches the player has thrown. """ return self._wild_pitches @_int_property_decorator def batters_faced(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of batters the pitcher has faced. """ return self._batters_faced @_float_property_decorator def era_plus(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the pitcher's ERA while adjusted for the ballpark. """ return self._era_plus @_float_property_decorator def fielding_independent_pitching(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the pitcher's effectiveness at preventing home runs, bases on balls, and hitting players with pitches, while causing strikeouts. """ return self._fielding_independent_pitching @_float_property_decorator def whip(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the pitcher's WHIP score, equivalent to (bases on balls + hits) / innings played. """ return self._whip @_float_property_decorator def hits_against_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of hits the player has given per nine innings played. """ return self._hits_against_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def home_runs_against_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of home runs the pitcher has given per nine innings played. """ return self._home_runs_against_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of bases on balls the pitcher has given per nine innings played. """ return self._bases_on_balls_given_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def batters_struckout_per_nine_innings(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of batters the pitcher has struck out per nine innings played. """ return self._batters_struckout_per_nine_innings @_float_property_decorator def strikeouts_thrown_per_walk(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of batters the pitcher has struck out per the number of walks given. """ return self._strikeouts_thrown_per_walk
[docs]class Roster(object): """ Get stats for all players on a roster. Request a team's roster for a given season and create instances of the Player class for each player, containing a detailed list of the players statistics and information. Parameters ---------- team : string The team's abbreviation, such as 'HOU' for the Houston Astros. year : string (optional) The 4-digit year to pull the roster from, such as '2018'. If left blank, defaults to the most recent season. """ def __init__(self, team, year=None): self._team = team self._players = [] self._find_players(year) def _pull_team_page(self, url): """ Download the team page. Download the requested team's season page and create a PyQuery object. Parameters ---------- url : string A string of the built URL for the requested team and season. Returns ------- PyQuery object Returns a PyQuery object of the team's HTML page. """ try: return pq(url) except HTTPError: return None def _create_url(self, year): """ Build the team URL. Build a URL given a team's abbreviation and the 4-digit year. Parameters ---------- year : string The 4-digit string representing the year to pull the team's roster from. Returns ------- string Returns a string of the team's season page for the requested team and year. """ return ROSTER_URL % (self._team.upper(), year) def _get_id(self, player): """ Parse the player ID. Given a PyQuery object representing a single player on the team roster, parse the player ID and return it as a string. Parameters ---------- player : PyQuery object A PyQuery object representing the player information from the roster table. Returns ------- string Returns a string of the player ID. """ name_tag = player('td[data-stat="player"] a') name = re.sub(r'.*/players/./', '', str(name_tag)) return re.sub(r'\.shtml.*', '', name) def _find_players(self, year): """ Find all player IDs for the requested team. For the requested team and year (if applicable), pull the roster table and parse the player ID for all players on the roster and create an instance of the Player class for the player. All player instances are added to the 'players' property to get all stats for all players on a team. Parameters ---------- year : string The 4-digit string representing the year to pull the team's roster from. """ if not year: year = utils._find_year_for_season('mlb') url = self._create_url(year) page = self._pull_team_page(url) if not page: output = ("Can't pull requested team page. Ensure the following " "URL exists: %s" % url) raise ValueError(output) players = page('table#team_batting tbody tr').items() players_parsed = [] for player in players: if 'class="thead"' in str(player): continue player_id = self._get_id(player) player_instance = Player(player_id) self._players.append(player_instance) players_parsed.append(player_id) for player in page('table#team_pitching tbody tr').items(): if 'class="thead"' in str(player): continue player_id = self._get_id(player) # Skip players that showup in both batting and pitching tables, as # is often the case with National League pitchers. if player_id in players_parsed: continue player_instance = Player(player_id) self._players.append(player_instance) @property def players(self): """ Returns a ``list`` of player instances for each player on the requested team's roster. """ return self._players