NCAAF Package

The NCAAF package offers multiple modules which can be used to retrieve information and statistics for Division-I College Football, such as team names, season stats, game schedules, and boxscore metrics.


The Boxscore module can be used to grab information from a specific game. Metrics range from number of points scored to the number of pass yards, to the yards from penalties and much more. The Boxscore can be easily queried by passing a boxscore’s URI on which can be retrieved from the Schedule class (see Schedule module below for more information on retrieving game-specific information).

from sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore import Boxscore

game_data = Boxscore('2018-01-08-georgia')
print(game_data.home_points)  # Prints 23
print(game_data.away_points)  # Prints 26
df = game_data.dataframe  # Returns a Pandas DataFrame of game metrics

The Boxscore module also contains a Boxscores class which searches for all games played on a particular day and returns a dictionary of matchups between all teams on the requested day. The dictionary includes the names and abbreviations for each matchup as well as the boxscore link if applicable.

from datetime import datetime
from sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore import Boxscores

games_today = Boxscores(
print(  # Prints a dictionary of all matchups for today

The Boxscores class also allows the ability to query over a range of dates using a second optional parameter during instantiation of the class. To query a range of dates, enter the start date as the first parameter and the inclusive end date as the second parameter.

from datetime import datetime
from sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore import Boxscores

# Pulls all games between and including August 30, 2017 and August 31, 2017
games = Boxscores(datetime(2017, 8, 30), datetime(2017, 8, 31))
# Prints a dictionary of all results from August 30, 2017 and August 31,
# 2017
class sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore.Boxscore(uri)[source]

Bases: object

Detailed information about the final statistics for a game.

Stores all relevant information for a game such as the date, time, location, result, and more advanced metrics such as the number of fumbles from sacks, a team’s passing completion, rushing touchdowns and much more.

Parameters:uri (string) – The relative link to the boxscore HTML page, such as ‘2018-01-08-georgia’.

Returns an int of the number of first downs the away team gained.


Returns an int of the number of times the away team fumbled the ball.


Returns an int of the number of times the away team turned the ball over as the result of a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of interceptions the away team threw.


Returns an int of the number of passes that were thrown by the away team.


Returns an int of the number of completed passes the away team made.


Returns an int of the number of passing touchdowns the away team scored.


Returns an int of the number of passing yards the away team gained.


Returns an int of the number of penalties called on the away team.


Returns a list of BoxscorePlayer class instances for each player on the away team.


Returns an int of the number of points the away team scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing plays the away team made.


Returns an int of the number of rushing touchdowns the away team scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing yards the away team gained.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the away team gained.


Returns an int of the number of times the away team turned the ball over.


Returns an int of the number of yards gifted as a result of penalties called on the away team.


Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the string URI that is used to instantiate the class, such as ‘2018-01-08-georgia’.


Returns a string of the date the game took place.


Returns an int of the number of first downs the home team gained.


Returns an int of the number of times the home team fumbled the ball.


Returns an int of the number of times the home team turned the ball over as the result of a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of interceptions the home team threw.


Returns an int of the number of passes that were thrown by the home team.


Returns an int of the number of completed passes the home team made.


Returns an int of the number of passing touchdowns the home team scored.


Returns an int of the number of passing yards the home team gained.


Returns an int of the number of penalties called on the home team.


Returns a list of BoxscorePlayer class instances for each player on the home team.


Returns an int of the number of points the home team scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing plays the home team made.


Returns an int of the number of rushing touchdowns the home team scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing yards the home team gained.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the home team gained.


Returns an int of the number of times the home team turned the ball over.


Returns an int of the number of yards gifted as a result of penalties called on the home team.


Returns a string of the losing team’s abbreviation, such as ‘GEORGIA’ for the Georgia Bulldogs.


Returns a string of the losing team’s name, such as ‘Georgia’.


Returns a string of the name of the stadium where the game was played.


Returns a string of the time the game started.


Returns a string constant indicating whether the home or away team won.


Returns a string of the winning team’s abbreviation, such as ‘ALABAMA’ for the Alabama Crimson Tide.


Returns a string of the winning team’s name, such as ‘Alabama’.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore.BoxscorePlayer(player_id, player_name, player_data)[source]

Bases: sportsreference.ncaaf.player.AbstractPlayer

Get player stats for an individual game.

Given a player ID, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough, their full name, and all associated stats from the Boxscore page in HTML format, parse the HTML and extract only the relevant stats for the specified player and assign them to readable properties.

This class inherits the AbstractPlayer class. As a result, all properties associated with AbstractPlayer can also be read directly from this class.

As this class is instantiated from within the Boxscore class, it should not be called directly and should instead be queried using the appropriate players properties from the Boxscore class.

  • player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘first-last-n’ where ‘first’ is the player’s first name, ‘last’ is the player’s last name, and ‘n’ is a number starting at 1 for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.
  • player_name (string) – A string representing the player’s first and last name, such as ‘David Blough’.
  • player_data (string) – A string representation of the player’s HTML data from the Boxscore page. If the player appears in multiple tables, all of their information will appear in one single string concatenated together.

Returns a float of the average number of yards the player gained per attempted kickoff return.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player gained per attempted punt return.


Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other relevant class properties and value for the specified game.


Returns a float of the percentage of attempted extra points the player made. Percentage ranges from 0-100.


Returns an int of the total number of extra points the player attempted.


Returns a float of the percentage of attempted field goals the player made. Percentage ranges from 0-100.


Returns an int of the total number of field goals the player attempted.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the player gained while the player attempted to return a kickoff.


Returns an int of the number of kickoffs the player attempted to return.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player gained per pass attempt.


Returns an int of the total number of points the player gained from kicking field goals or extra points.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the player gained while the player attempted to return a punt.


Returns an int of the number of punts the player attempted to return.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the player punted the ball.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player punted per attempt.


Returns an int of the number of times the player punted the ball.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.boxscore.Boxscores(date, end_date=None)[source]

Bases: object

Search for NCAAF games taking place on a particular day.

Retrieve a dictionary which contains a list of all games being played on a particular day. Output includes a link to the boxscore, a boolean value which indicates if the game is between two Division-I teams or not, and the names and abbreviations for both the home teams. If no games are played on a particular day, the list will be empty.

  • date (datetime object) – The date to search for any matches. The month, day, and year are required for the search, but time is not factored into the search.
  • end_date (datetime object) – Optionally specify an end date to iterate until. All boxscores starting from the date specified in the ‘date’ parameter up to and including the boxscores specified in the ‘end_date’ parameter will be pulled. If left empty, or if ‘end_date’ is prior to ‘date’, only the games from the day specified in the ‘date’ parameter will be saved.

Returns a dictionary object representing all of the games played on the requested day. Dictionary is in the following format:

{'date' : [  # 'date' is the string date in format 'MM-DD-YYYY'
        'home_name': Name of the home team, such as 'Purdue
                     Boilermakers' (`str`),
        'home_abbr': Abbreviation for the home team, such as
                     'PURDUE' (`str`),
        'away_name': Name of the away team, such as 'Indiana
                     Hoosiers' (`str`),
        'away_abbr': Abbreviation for the away team, such as
                     'INDIANA' (`str`),
        'boxscore': String representing the boxscore URI, such as
                    '2018-01-28-15-indiana' (`str`),
        'non_di': Boolean value which evaluates to True when at
                  least one of the teams does not compete in NCAA
                  Division-I basketball (`bool`),
        'top_25': Boolean value which evaluates to True when at
                  least one of the teams is ranked in the AP Top 25
                  polls (`bool`),
        'winning_name': Full name of the winning team, such as
                        'Purdue Boilermakers' (`str`),
        'winning_abbr': Abbreviation for the winning team, such as
                        'PURDUE' (`str`),
        'losing_name': Full name of the losing team, such as
                       'Indiana Hoosiers' (`str`),
        'losing_abbr': Abbreviation for the losing team, such as
                       'INDIANA' (`str`),
        'home_score': Integer score for the home team (`int`),
        'home_rank': Integer representing the home team's rank
        'away_score': Integer score for the away team (`int`),
        'away_rank': Integer representing the away team's rank
    { ... },

If no games were played on ‘date’, the list for [‘date’] will be empty.



The Conference module allows conferences to be pulled for any season using the Conferences class. Accessing the class properties exposes various dictionaries containing the team and conference abbreviations as well as other information. To get a list of conference abbreviations for each team, query the team_conference property.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.conferences import Conferences

conferences = Conferences()
# Prints a dictionary of the team abbreviation as a key and conference
# abbreviation as the value.

The conferences property can also be queried to provide more details on the teams in every conference.

from sportsreference.ncaab.conferences import Conferences

conferences = Conferences()
# Prints a dictionary where each key is the conference abbreviation and
# each value is a dictionary containing the full conference name as well as
# another dictionary of all teams in the conference, including name and
# abbreviation for each team.
class sportsreference.ncaaf.conferences.Conference(conference_abbreviation, year=None, ignore_missing=False)[source]

Bases: object

Find teams that participated in a particular conference.

Create a dictionary which includes the names and abbreviations for all teams that participated in a conference during a given year.

  • conference_abbreviation (string) – A string of the requested conference’s abbreviation, such as ‘big-12’.
  • year (string (optional)) – A string of the requested year to pull conference information from. Defaults to the most recent season.
  • ignore_missing (boolean (optional)) – A boolean which, when True, doesn’t throw an error if the requested conference has an incomplete or empty page on, preventing the parsing from completing successfully.

Returns a dictionary of team names and abbreviations where each key is a string of the team abbreviation and each value is a string of the full team name.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.conferences.Conferences(year=None, ignore_missing=False)[source]

Bases: object

Get all conferences and teams for a season.

Retrieve a list of all conferences and teams that participated in the conference for each team in the season. The included properties allow flexibility in queries to either get the conference abbreviation for a given team, or get more detailed information including all teams for each conference.

  • year (string (optional)) – A string of the requested year to pull conferences from. Defaults to the most recent season.
  • ignore_missing (boolean (optional)) – A boolean which, when True, doesn’t throw an error if the any conference has an incomplete or empty page on, preventing the parsing from completing successfully.

Returns a dictionary of conference names and abbreviations where each key is a string of the abbreviation and each value is a dictionary containing the full conference name and another dictionary with individual team information. The overall dictionary is in the following structure:

    abbreviation, ie 'big-12' (str): {
        'name': Full conference name, such as 'Big 12 Conference'
        'teams': {
            team abbreviation, such as 'kansas' (str): Full team
                name, such as 'Kansas' (str),

Returns a dictionary of conference abbreviations for each team where each key is a string of the team abbreviation and each value is a string of the conference abbreviation.


The Player module contains an abstract base class that can be inherited by both the BoxscorePlayer and Player classes in the Boxscore and Roster modules, respectively. All of the properties that appear in the AbstractPlayer class can be read from either of the two child classes mentioned above.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.player.AbstractPlayer(player_id, player_name, player_data)[source]

Bases: object

Get player information and stats for all seasons.

Given a player ID, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough, capture all relevant stats and information like name, team, height/weight, career starts, single season pasing yards, sacks, and much more.

By default, the class instance will return the player’s career stats, but single-season stats can be found by calling the instance with the requested season as denoted on

  • player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘first-last-n’ where ‘first’ is the player’s first name in lowercase, ‘last’ is the player’s last name in lowercase, and ‘n’ is a number starting at ‘1’ for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.
  • player_name (string) – A string representing the player’s first and last name, such as ‘David Blough’.
  • player_data (string) – A string representation of the player’s HTML data from the Boxscore page. If the player appears in multiple tables, all of their information will appear in one single string concatenated together.

Returns a float of the adjusted number of yards gained per passing attempt, equal to (yards + 20 * pass_touchdowns - 45 * interceptions) / pass_attempts.


Returns an int of the number of assists the player made on tackles.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of completed passes the player threw.


Returns an int of the number of extra points the player made.


Returns an int of the total number of field goals the player made from any distance.


Returns an int of the number of times the player forced a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of fumbles the player has recovered.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player has scored after recovering a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of times the player intercepted a pass.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player has scored after intercepting a pass. Commonly referred to as a ‘Pick-6’.


Returns an int of the number of interceptions the player has thrown.


Returns an int of the number of kickoffs the player returned for a touchdown.


Returns a string of the player’s name, such as ‘David Blough’.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player has defended as a defensive player.


Returns a float of the percentage of passes that were caught by a receiver. Percentage ranges from 0-100.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns passes the player has thrown.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the player gained from passing the ball.


Returns a float of the number of yards gained per passing attempt.


Returns a string of the player’s ID on sports-reference, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough.


Returns an int of the combined number of rushing attempts and receptions the player had.


Returns an int of the number of punts the player returned for a touchdown.


Returns a float of the player’s quarterback rating.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player scored after receiving a pass.


Returns an int of the number of receiving yards the player gained.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player gained per reception.


Returns an int of the number of receptions the player made.


Returns an int of the number of rushing plays the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of rushing touchdowns the player scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing yards the player gained.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per rushing attempt.


Returns an int of the combined number of rushing and receiving touchdowns the player scored.


Returns a float of the number of times the player sacked a quarterback.


Returns an int of the number of tackles the player made by himself.


Returns a float of the number of tackles for a loss the player made.


Returns an int of the number of tackles the player made.


Returns an int of the total number of yards gained from scrimmage for both rushing and receiving.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per rushing attempt and/or reception.


Returns an int of the number of yards the player gained after recovering a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of yards the player returned after intercepting a pass.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player returns after intercepting a pass.


The Rankings module include the Rankings class which can be used to easily query the NCAA Men’s Division-I Football rankings published by the Associated Press on a week-by-week basis. Different formats can be referenced, ranging from a lightweight dictionary of the most recent rankings containing only the team abbreviation and rank, to a much larger dictionary of all rankings for an entire season with results including full team name and abbreviation, current rank, week number, previous rank, and movement.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.rankings import Rankings

rankings = Rankings()
# Prints a dictionary of just the team abbreviation and rank for the current
# week.
# Prints more detailed information including previous rank, full name, and
# movement for all teams for the current week.
# Prints detailed information for all teams for all weeks where rankings
# have been published for the requested season.
class sportsreference.ncaaf.rankings.Rankings(year=None)[source]

Bases: object

Get all Associated Press (AP) rankings on a week-by-week basis.

Grab a list of the rankings published by the Associated Press to easily query the hierarchy of teams each week. The results expose the current and previous rankings as well as the movement for each team in the list.

Parameters:year (string (optional)) – A string of the requested year to pull rankings from. Defaults to the most recent season.

Returns a dictionary where each key is a week number as an int and each value is a list of dictionaries containing the AP rankings for each week. Within each list is a dictionary of team information such as name, abbreviation, rank, and more. Note that the list might not necessarily be in the same order as the rankings.

The overall dictionary has the following structure:

    week number, ie 16 (int): [
            'abbreviation': Team's abbreviation, such as 'PURDUE'
            'name': Team's full name, such as 'Purdue' (str),
            'rank': Team's rank for the current week (int),
            'week': Week number for the results, such as 16 (int),
            'date': Date the rankings were released, such as
                    '2017-12-03'. Can also be 'Final' for the final
                    rankings or 'Preseason' for preseason rankings
            'previous': The team's previous rank, if applicable
            'change': The amount the team moved up or down the
                      rankings. Moves up the ladder have a positive
                      number while drops yield a negative number
                      and teams that didn't move have 0 (int)

Returns a dictionary of the most recent rankings from the Associated Press where each key is a string of the team’s abbreviation and each value is an int of the team’s rank for the current week.


Returns a list of dictionaries of the most recent AP rankings. The list is ordered in terms of the ranking so the #1 team will be in the first element and the #25 team will be the last element. Each dictionary has the following structure:

    'abbreviation': Team's abbreviation, such as 'PURDUE' (str),
    'name': Team's full name, such as 'Purdue' (str),
    'rank': Team's rank for the current week (int),
    'week': Week number for the results, such as 19 (int),
    'date': Date the rankings were released, such as '2017-03-01'.
            Can also be 'Final' for the final rankings or
            'Preseason' for preseason rankings (str),
    'previous': The team's previous rank, if applicable (str),
    'change': The amount the team moved up or down the rankings.
              Moves up the ladder have a positive number while
              drops yield a negative number and teams that didn't
              move have 0 (int)


The Roster module contains detailed player information, allowing each player to be queried by their player ID using the Player class which has detailed information ranging from career touchdowns to single-season stats and player height, weight, and nationality. The following is an example on collecting career information for David Blough.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.roster import Player

blough = Player('david-blough-1')
print(  # Prints 'David Blough'
print(blough.passing_yards)  # Prints Blough's career passing yards
# Prints a Pandas DataFrame of all relevant stats per season for Blough

By default, the player’s career stats are returned whenever a property is called. To get stats for a specific team, call the class instance with the season string. All future property requests will return the season-specific stats.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.roster import Player

blough = Player('david-blough-1')  # Currently pulling career stats
print(blough.passing_yards)  # Prints Blough's CAREER passing yards total
# Prints Blough's passing yards total only for the 2017 season
# Prints Blough's passing touchdowns for the 2017 season only

After requesting single-season stats, the career stats can be requested again by calling the class without arguments or with the ‘Career’ string passed.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.roster import Player

blough = Player('david-blough-1')  # Currently pulling career stats
# Prints Blough's passing yards total only for the 2017 season
print(blough('Career').passing_yards)  # Prints Blough's career passing yards

In addition, the Roster module also contains the Roster class which can be used to pull all players on a team’s roster during a given season and creates instances of the Player class for each team member and adds them to a list to be easily queried.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.roster import Roster

boilermakers = Roster('PURDUE')
for player in boilermakers.players:
    # Prints the name of all players who played for the Purdue Boilermakers
    # in the most recent season.
class sportsreference.ncaaf.roster.Player(player_id)[source]

Bases: sportsreference.ncaaf.player.AbstractPlayer

Get player information and stats for all seasons.

Given a player ID, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough, capture all relevant stats and information like name, team, height/weight, career starts, single season pasing yards, sacks, and much more.

By default, the class instance will return the player’s career stats, but single-season stats can be found by calling the instance with the requested season as denoted on

Parameters:player_id (string) – A player’s ID according to, such as ‘david-blough-1’ for David Blough. The player ID can be found by navigating to the player’s stats page and getting the string between the final slash and the ‘.html’ in the URL. In general, the ID is in the format ‘first-last-n’ where ‘first’ is the player’s first name in lowercase, ‘last’ is the player’s last name in lowercase, and ‘n’ is a number starting at ‘1’ for the first time that player ID has been used and increments by 1 for every successive player.

Returns a float of the adjusted number of yards gained per passing attempt, equal to (yards + 20 * pass_touchdowns - 45 * interceptions) / pass_attempts.


Returns an int of the number of assists the player made on tackles.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of completed passes the player threw.


Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other relevant class properties and values where each index is a different season plus the career stats.


Returns an int of the number of extra points the player made.


Returns an int of the total number of field goals the player made from any distance.


Returns an int of the number of times the player forced a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of fumbles the player has recovered.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player has scored after recovering a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of games the player participated in.


Returns a string of the player’s height in the format “feet-inches”.


Returns an int of the number of times the player intercepted a pass.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player has scored after intercepting a pass. Commonly referred to as a ‘Pick-6’.


Returns an int of the number of interceptions the player has thrown.


Returns an int of the number of kickoffs the player returned for a touchdown.


Returns an int of the total number of all other types of touchdowns the player has scored.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of passes the player has defended as a defensive player.


Returns a float of the percentage of passes that were caught by a receiver. Percentage ranges from 0-100.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns passes the player has thrown.


Returns an int of the total number of yards the player gained from passing the ball.


Returns an int of the combined number of rushing attempts and receptions the player had.


Returns an int of the number of points the player has scored.


Returns a string of the player’s primary position.


Returns an int of the number of punts the player returned for a touchdown.


Returns a float of the player’s quarterback rating.


Returns an int of the number of touchdowns the player scored after receiving a pass.


Returns an int of the number of receiving yards the player gained.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player gained per reception.


Returns an int of the number of receptions the player made.


Returns an int of the number of rushing plays the player attempted.


Returns an int of the number of rushing touchdowns the player scored.


Returns an int of the number of rushing yards the player gained.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per rushing attempt.


Returns an int of the combined number of rushing and receiving touchdowns the player scored.


Returns a float of the number of times the player sacked a quarterback.


Returns an int of the number of safeties the player has scored.


Returns a string of the season in the format ‘YYYY’, such as ‘2017’. If no season was requested, the career stats will be returned for the player and the season will default to ‘Career’.


Returns an int of the number of tackles the player made by himself.


Returns a float of the number of tackles for a loss the player made.


Returns a string of the team’s abbreviation, such as ‘PURDUE’ for the Purdue Boilermakers.


Returns an int of the number of tackles the player made.


Returns an int of the total number of touchdowns the player has scored.


Returns an int of the number of two point conversions the player has scored.


Returns an int of the player’s weight in pounds.


Returns an int of the total number of yards gained from scrimmage for both rushing and receiving.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per rushing attempt and/or reception.


Returns an int of the number of yards the player gained after recovering a fumble.


Returns an int of the number of yards the player returned after intercepting a pass.


Returns a float of the average number of yards the player returns after intercepting a pass.


Returns a string of the player’s class designation, such as’FR’ for freshmen.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.roster.Roster(team, year=None, slim=False)[source]

Bases: object

Get stats for all players on a roster.

Request a team’s roster for a given season and create instances of the Player class for each player, containing a detailed list of the player’s statistics and information.

  • team (string) – The team’s abbreviation, such as ‘PURDUE’ for the Purdue Boilermakers.
  • year (string (optional)) – The 4-digit year to pull the roster from, such as ‘2017’. If left blank, defaults to the most recent season.
  • slim (boolean (optional)) – Set to True to return a limited subset of player information including the name and player ID for each player as opposed to all of their respective stats which greatly reduces the time to return a response if just the names and IDs are desired. Defaults to False.

Returns a list of player instances for each player on the requested team’s roster if the slim property is False when calling the Roster class. If the slim property is True, returns a dictionary where each key is a string of the player’s ID and each value is the player’s first and last name as listed on the roster page.


The Schedule module can be used to iterate over all games in a team’s schedule to get game information such as the date, score, result, and more. Each game also has a link to the Boxscore class which has much more detailed information on the game metrics.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.schedule import Schedule

purdue_schedule = Schedule('PURDUE')
for game in purdue_schedule:
    print(  # Prints the date the game was played
    print(game.result)  # Prints whether the team won or lost
    # Creates an instance of the Boxscore class for the game.
    boxscore = game.boxscore
class sportsreference.ncaaf.schedule.Game(game_data)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a matchup between two teams.

Stores all relevant high-level match information for a game in a team’s schedule including date, time, opponent, and result.

Parameters:game_data (string) – The row containing the specified game information.

Returns an instance of the Boxscore class containing more detailed stats on the game.


Returns a string of the URI for a boxscore which can be used to access or index a game.


Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the boxscore string.


Returns a pandas DataFrame representing the Boxscore class for the game. This property provides much richer context for the selected game, but takes longer to process compared to the lighter ‘dataframe’ property. The index for the DataFrame is the boxscore string.


Returns a string of the date the game was played, such as ‘Sep 2, 2017’.


Returns a datetime object of the month, day, year, and time the game was played. If the game doesn’t include a time, the default value of ‘00:00’ will be used.


Returns a string of the 3-letter abbreviation of the day of the week the game was played on, such as ‘Sat’ for Saturday.


Returns an int to indicate which game in the season was requested. The first game of the season returns 1.


Returns a string constant to indicate whether the game was played at home, away, or in a neutral location.


Returns an int of the number of games the team has lost so far in the season at the conclusion of the requested game.


Returns a string of the opponent’s abbreviation, such as ‘PURDUE’ for the Purdue Boilermakers.


Returns a string of the conference the team participates in, such as ‘Big Ten’ for the Big Ten Conference. If a team does not compete in Division-I, a string constant for the non-major school will be returned.


Returns a string of the opponent’s name, such as ‘Purdue Boilermakers’ for the Purdue Boilermakers.


Returns an int of the opponent’s rank at the time the game was played.


Returns an int of the number of points the team allowed during the game.


Returns an int of the number of points the team scored during the game.


Returns an int of the team’s rank at the time the game was played.


Returns a string constant to indicate whether the team won or lost the game.


Returns a string of the team’s winning streak at the conclusion of the requested game. Streaks are listed in the format ‘[W|L] #’ (ie. ‘W 3’ for a 3-game winning streak and ‘L 2’ for a 2-game losing streak).


00 PM’.

Type:Returns a string of the time the game started, such as ‘12

Returns an int of the number of games the team has won so far in the season at the conclusion of the requested game.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.schedule.Schedule(abbreviation, year=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object of the given team’s schedule.

Generates a team’s schedule for the season including wins, losses, and scores if applicable.

  • abbreviation (string) – A team’s short name, such as ‘MICHIGAN’ for the Michigan Wolverines.
  • year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Game class. Rows are indexed by the boxscore string.


Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Boxscore class for every game in the schedule. Rows are indexed by the boxscore string. This property provides much richer context for the selected game, but takes longer to process compared to the lighter ‘dataframe’ property.


The Teams module exposes information for all NCAAF teams including the team name and abbreviation, the number of games they won during the season, the total number of pass yards, and much more.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.teams import Teams

teams = Teams()
for team in teams:
    print(  # Prints the team's name
    print(team.pass_yards)  # Prints the team's total passing yards

Each Team instance contains a link to the Schedule class which enables easy iteration over all games for a particular team. A Pandas DataFrame can also be queried to easily grab all stats for all games.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.teams import Teams

teams = Teams()
for team in teams:
    schedule = team.schedule  # Returns a Schedule instance for each team
    # Returns a Pandas DataFrame of all metrics for all game Boxscores for
    # a season.
    df = team.schedule.dataframe_extended

Lastly, each Team instance also contains a link to the Roster class which enables players from the team to be easily queried. Each Roster instance contains detailed stats and information for each player on the team.

from sportsreference.ncaaf.teams import Teams

for team in Teams():
    roster = team.roster  # Gets each team's roster
    for player in roster.players:
            print(  # Prints each players name on the roster
class sportsreference.ncaaf.teams.Team(team_data, team_conference=None, year=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object containing all of a team’s season information.

Finds and parses all team stat information and identifiers, such as full and short names, and sets them as properties which can be directly read from for easy reference.

  • team_data (string) – A string containing all of the rows of stats for a given team. If multiple tables are being referenced, this will be comprised of multiple rows in a single string.
  • team_conference (string (optional)) – A string of the team’s conference abbreviation, such as ‘big-12’.
  • year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

Returns a string of the team’s short name, such as ‘PURDUE’ for the Purdue Boilermakers.


Returns a string of the team’s conference abbreviation, such as ‘big-12’ for the Big 12 Conference.


Returns an int of the total number of conference games the team lost during the season.


Returns a float of the percentage of conference wins divided by the number of conference games played during the season. Percentage ranges from 0-1.


Returns an int of the total number of conference games the team won during the season.


Returns a pandas DataFrame containing all other class properties and values. The index for the DataFrame is the string abbreviation of the team, such as ‘PURDUE’.


Returns a float of the total number of first downs achieved per game.


Returns a float of the average number of first downs from an opponent’s penalties per game.


Returns a float of the average number of fumbles per game.


Returns an int of the total number of games the team has played during the season.


Returns a float of the average number of interceptions thrown per game.


Returns an int of the total number of games the team lost during the season.


Returns a string of the team’s full name, such as ‘Purdue Boilermakers’.


Returns a float of the average number of passes that are attempted per game.


Returns a float of the percentage of completed passes per game. Percentage ranges from 0-100.


Returns a float of the average number of completed passes per game.


Returns a float of the average number of first downs from passing plays per game.


Returns a float of the average number of passing touchdowns scored per game.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained from passing per game.


Returns a float the average number of penalties conceded per game.


Returns a float of the average number of offensive plays per game.


Returns a float of the average number of points conceded per game.


Returns a float of the average number of points scored by the team per game.


Returns an instance of the Roster class containing all players for the team during the season with all career stats.


Returns a float of the average number of rushing plays per game.


Returns a float of the average number of first downs from rushing plays per game.


Returns a float of the average number of rushing touchdowns scored per game.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained from rushing per game.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per rushing attempt per game.


Returns an instance of the Schedule class containing the team’s complete schedule for the season.


Returns a float of the team’s relative strength based on the average margin of victory and the strength of schedule. An average team is denoted with 0.0 while a negative score indicates a comparatively weak team.


Returns a float of the team’s strength of schedule based on the number of points above or below average. An average difficulty schedule is denoted with 0.0 while a negative score indicates a comparatively easy schedule.


Returns a float of the average number of turnovers per game.


Returns a float of the percentage of wins divided by the number of games played during the season. Percentage ranges from 0-1.


Returns an int of the total number of games the team won during the season.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per game.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained from an opponent’s penalties per game.


Returns a float of the average number of yards gained per play.

class sportsreference.ncaaf.teams.Teams(year=None)[source]

Bases: object

A list of all NCAA Men’s Football teams and their stats in a given year.

Finds and retrieves a list of all NCAA Men’s Football teams from and creates a Team instance for every team that participated in the league in a given year. The Team class comprises a list of all major stats and a few identifiers for the requested season.

Parameters:year (string (optional)) – The requested year to pull stats from.

Returns a pandas DataFrame where each row is a representation of the Team class. Rows are indexed by the team abbreviation.