Source code for

import re
from .constants import SQUAD_URL
from ..decorators import float_property_decorator, int_property_decorator
from .fb_utils import _lookup_team
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from .roster import Roster
from .schedule import Schedule
from .squad_ids import SQUAD_IDS
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from .. import utils

[docs]class Team: """ The high-level stats and information for a single professional team. By requesting a team via either a name or squad ID, an object will be created which contains high-level information and stats for that team, if found. The information ranges from the name of their primary competition, including their point-return, position, and place, plus the number of goals they have scored, and a pointer to the team roster and schedule. If a team cannot be identified for the given name or ID, a list of the closest matches will be returned as a dictionary instead. Parameters ---------- team_id : string A string representing either the team's full name, such as 'Tottenham Hotspur', or the team's 8-digit squad ID, such as '361ca564' for Tottenham. If a team can't be found for the given name, a list of suggestions will be returned with corresponding squad IDs. """ def __init__(self, team_id): self._squad_id = None self._name = None self._season = None self._record = None self._position = None self._points = None self._league = None self._manager = None self._country = None self._gender = None self._goals_scored = None self._goals_against = None self._goal_difference = None self._expected_goals = None self._expected_goals_against = None self._expected_goal_difference = None self._home_record = None self._home_games = None self._away_record = None self._away_games = None self._home_wins = None self._home_draws = None self._home_losses = None self._away_wins = None self._away_draws = None self._away_losses = None self._home_points = None self._away_points = None self._squad_id = _lookup_team(team_id) self._pull_team_page() def _parse_name(self, doc): """ Parse the team's name and season. The squad header includes both the season (in the format '2019-2020' or '2020') as well as the official team name, such as 'Tottenham Hotspur'. Parameters ---------- doc : PyQuery object A PyQuery object of the squad's entire HTML page. """ name = doc('h1[itemprop="name"]') name = name('span').text() # Name is in format "YYYY-YYYY Team Name Stats" # or "YYYY Team Name Stats" # ie. "2019-2020 Tottenham Hotspur Stats" # or "2020 Sporting KC Stats" # The season will always be the first part of the string. season = name.split(' ')[0] # The team's name will always be between the season and the string # "Stats", and therefore only those pieces should be pulled. name = ' '.join(name.split(' ')[1:-1]) self._season = season self._name = name def _location_records(self, record_line): """ Parse the team's home and away record. The squad's header contains information on the team's home and away record in the league, including the points gained both at home and on the road. Only the integer-based points as well as a string of the record should be parsed and returned for later use. Parameters ---------- record_line : string A ``string`` representing the team's home and away record in as displayed in the squad team's header. Returns ------- tuple Returns a ``tuple`` of the location-based records in the following format: (home record, away record, home points, away points). """ home_record, away_record = None, None home_points, away_points = None, None records = record_line.lower().replace('home record: ', '') records = records.replace('away record: ', '') match_records = re.findall(r'\(.*?\)', records) p = re.compile(r'[\(\)]') if len(match_records) == 2: home_record, away_record = [p.sub(' ', x).strip() for x in match_records] points = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', records) points = re.findall(r'\d+', points) if len(points) == 2: home_points, away_points = [int(p) for p in points] return home_record, away_record, home_points, away_points def _records(self, record_line): """ Parse the team's record in their primary competition. The team's record line found on the header of their squad page includes the team's record, position in the league, points, and league name for their primary competition during the season. Parameters ---------- record_line : string A ``string`` representing the first line of the team's header which contains information on the squad's record, position, and league. Returns ------- tuple A ``tuple`` of the parsed results in the following format: (record, points, position, league name). """ records = record_line.lower().replace('record: ', '') records_split = records.split(',') if len(records_split) != 3: return None, None, None record, points, position = records_split points = re.sub(' point.*', '', points).strip() position = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', position).strip() league = re.sub('.* in ', '', position).title() position = re.findall(r'\d+', position)[0] return record, points, position, league def _goals(self, goals_line): """ Parse the number of goals the team scored and conceded. The number of goals the team scored and conceded, along with the difference, can be found in the header. Only the integer point values should be parsed and returned. Parameters ---------- goals_line : string A ``string`` representation of the HTML line for the goals scored and conceded by the team. Returns ------- tuple Returns a ``tuple`` of the teams goals in the following format: (goals scored, goals against, goal difference). """ goals = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', goals_line.lower()) goals = re.findall(r'\d+', goals) if len(goals) != 3: return None, None, None return goals def _parse_expected_goals(self, goals_line): """ Parse the expected goals for the team. The expected goal values can be found in the header with the xG, xGA prefixes. This is the number of goals the team was expected to score and concede during the season, as opposed to the actual numbers they tallied. The line also includes the difference between the expected goals scored and conceded. Parameters ---------- goals_line : string A ``string`` representation of the HTML line for the expected goals found in the squad's header. Returns ------- tuple Returns a ``tuple`` of the team's expected goals in the following format: (expected goals scored, expected goals against, expected goal difference). """ goals = goals_line.replace('xG: ', '') goals = goals.replace(', xGA: ', ' ') goals = goals.replace(', Diff: ', ' ') goals = goals.split(' ') if len(goals) != 3: return None, None, None return goals def _parse_header(self, doc): """ Parse the various components on the squad's header. Each squad page contains information relevant to the team's selected year, including the season, record, goals, position in their league competition, manager, and more. Much of this information should be used to augment the squad class to provide further details and context on the team. The function pulls the header for the squad's page and parses information line-by-line to retrieve relevant values. Since various pages may have less information than others, a looping structure with an if-elif block to check the contents of the line is the best way to ensure only the expected information is collected in each part. Parameters ---------- doc : PyQuery object A PyQuery object containing the entire HTML contents of the squad's home page. """ header = doc('div[data-template="Partials/Teams/Summary"]') for header_line in header('p'): line = pq(header_line).text() if 'home record' in line.lower(): # Returns in the format (home_record, away_record, home_points, # away_points). records = self._location_records(line) self._home_record = records[0] self._away_record = records[1] self._home_points = records[2] self._away_points = records[3] elif 'record' in line.lower(): # Returns in format (record, points, position, league). records = self._records(line) self._record = records[0] self._points = records[1] self._position = records[2] self._league = records[3] elif 'goals' in line.lower(): # Returns in format (scored, against, difference). goals = self._goals(line) self._goals_scored = goals[0] self._goals_against = goals[1] self._goal_difference = goals[2] elif 'xGA' in line and 'Diff' in line: # Returns in format (expected, against, difference). goals = self._parse_expected_goals(line) self._expected_goals = goals[0] self._expected_goals_against = goals[1] self._expected_goal_difference = goals[2] elif 'manager' in line.lower(): self._manager = line.replace('Manager: ', '') elif 'governing country' in line.lower(): self._country = pq(header_line)('a').text() elif 'gender' in line.lower(): self._gender = line.replace('Gender: ', '') def _pull_team_page(self): """ Pull the team page and parse results. Using the requested squad ID, first pull the team page, then parse the header for relevant information on the team including records, goals, manager, league results, and more. """ try: doc = pq(SQUAD_URL % self.squad_id) except HTTPError: return self._doc = doc self._parse_name(doc) self._parse_header(doc) @property def squad_id(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's squad ID according to, such as '361ca564' for Tottenham Hotspur. """ return self._squad_id @property def name(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's full name, such as 'Tottenham Hotspur'. """ return self._name @property def schedule(self): """ Returns an instance of the Schedule class containing the team's complete schedule for the season. """ return Schedule(self.squad_id, self._doc) @property def roster(self): """ Returns an instance of the Roster class containing instances of every player on the team. """ return Roster(self._squad_id, self._doc) @property def season(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the season's year(s) in the format YYYY or YYYY-YYYY. For example, '2020' or '2019-2020'. """ return self._season @property def record(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's record during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season in the format 'Wins-Draws-Losses'. """ return self._record @int_property_decorator def position(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the team's place in the table (ie. 1 for first) for the current season in their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._position @int_property_decorator def points(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of points the team has gained in their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._points @property def league(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's primary competition, such as 'Premier League'. """ return self._league @property def manager(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the full name of the team's manager, such as 'José Mourinho'. """ return self._manager @property def country(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's governing country, such as 'England'. """ return self._country @property def gender(self): """ Returns a ``string`` denoting which gender the team competes in (ie. 'Female'). """ return self._gender @int_property_decorator def goals_scored(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of goals the team has scored during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._goals_scored @int_property_decorator def goals_against(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of goals the team has allowed during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._goals_against @int_property_decorator def goal_difference(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the team's goal difference during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._goal_difference @float_property_decorator def expected_goals(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of goals the team was expected to score during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._expected_goals @float_property_decorator def expected_goals_against(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the number of goals the team was expected to concede during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._expected_goals_against @float_property_decorator def expected_goal_difference(self): """ Returns a ``float`` of the difference between the team's expected goals scored and conceded during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ return self._expected_goal_difference @property def home_record(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's home record during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season in the format 'Wins-Draws-Losses'. """ return self._home_record @int_property_decorator def home_games(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has played at home during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ try: return self.home_wins + self.home_draws + self.home_losses except TypeError: return None @property def away_record(self): """ Returns a ``string`` of the team's away record during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season in the format 'Wins-Draws-Losses'. """ return self._away_record @int_property_decorator def away_games(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has played away during their primary competition (ie. Premier League). """ try: return self.away_wins + self.away_draws + self.away_losses except TypeError: return None @int_property_decorator def home_wins(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has won at home during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._home_record.split('-') wins = record[0] wins = int(wins) except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return wins @int_property_decorator def home_draws(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has drawn at home during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._home_record.split('-') draws = record[1] draws = int(draws) except IndexError: return None except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return draws @int_property_decorator def home_losses(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has lost at home during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._home_record.split('-') losses = record[2] losses = int(losses) except IndexError: return None except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return losses @int_property_decorator def away_wins(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has won while away during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._away_record.split('-') wins = record[0] wins = int(wins) except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return wins @int_property_decorator def away_draws(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has drawn while away during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._away_record.split('-') draws = record[1] draws = int(draws) except IndexError: return None except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return draws @int_property_decorator def away_losses(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of games the team has lost while away during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ try: record = self._away_record.split('-') losses = record[2] losses = int(losses) except IndexError: return None except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return losses @int_property_decorator def home_points(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of points the team has gained while at home during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ return self._home_points @int_property_decorator def away_points(self): """ Returns an ``int`` of the number of points the team has gained while away during their primary competition (ie. Premier League) for the current season. """ return self._away_points